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The Owl - Explained

Thoughtful intention, symbolism, and esthetics were carefully considered while designing our moniker.  Each aspect of the owl possesses meaning. 

The Extended Wing

The extended wing is representative of an E for Eredità.  As discussed in Our Name, eredità, is the Italian word for legacy. 

The Top Arm

This arm symbolizes role-models from the past.  Acknowledging that "we" were shaped by observing and listening to the values and ethics demonstrated by those with more longevity and life experience; the influence of  parents or those who raised us.  Embracing the past.

The Center Arm

The center arm of the wing represents our current coordinates on the plane of existence.  A mid-point; a  

moment in time.  We continue to learn and grow, absorbing wisdom shared with us, however we are able to instill the values and teachings that resonate most with us on the next generation.  The generation that will become our legacy.  From the past, the present is born, and from the present, the seeds of the future are sewn.  

The Bottom Arm

The bottom arm of the wing represents beginners mind.  The next generation.  The embodiment of a blank slate.  Tabula rasa.  The continued legacy of the previous generations.  Teaching the next generation and leading by example; emphasizing values like compassion, kindness, generosity, and inquiry.  Afterall, this next generation is "our" legacy.  This is our opportunity to transform the future.

Owl Symbolism

Owls are gracefully creatures.  Silently making moves.  

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